lunes, 20 de febrero de 2012

Second Collection of UNCAC Training Videos Online

Mensaje de Gillian Dell <gdell@TRANSPARENCY.ORG>:

Hallo all,

I'm happy to announce that we have now posted online a second collection of training videos about the UNCAC review process. This supplements the six-part infograhics training video collection that we sent you last year.

The new collection of six videos consists of excerpts from a joint UNODC-TI training for CSOs on the UNCAC review process that took place in Laxenburg, Austria in February 2011.

Below is the video playlist  link followed by a link to the UNCAC Coalition web page with information on the UNCAC review process. Links to the two video collections are posted on that page. Could you mutliply outreach by posting on your website, facebook or twitter?

With this email I'm also forwarding to you the latest newsletter of the International Anti-Corruption Academy, attached here.

Warm regards,

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